Sunday 10 January 2010

D-Day Tomorrow... day that is. We've just about used up all the 'junk' from Crimbo, had our 'last supper' at a local Italian and tomorrow it's time to pull in the reins.

Weigh in first...which I'll post and that should shame me into sticking to it.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend.


  1. Kimberly, I am so proud of you for 'starting' - that is the hardest part of a diet I think! I have my semi-annual doc appt. tomorrow a.m., and I know he's going to preach at me (skinny little stick of a man...) to lose. I need to get the inspiration to 'start' too! Good luck, and will look forward to updates! How many lbs. do you need to lose?

  2. today is yesterday's tomorrow...I had my doc appt. He wants me to lose a minimum of 30-40 lbs., and would be happier to see 50-60. Sigh...where to start? Drop me an email if you are interested in buddying up! Good luck!
